Snowshoeing in Davos Klosters
Step by step, you make your way over the pristine snow cover. The sun is caressing your face – and behind you, there are just your own tracks in a snowy mountain landscape. Snowshoeing in Davos Klosters Mountains is a truly special experience. Walking through the deep, soft powder snow, you’ll discover the region’s most beautiful places. And you’ll experience wonderful moments in nature – far away from all the hustle and bustle.
The cable cars and lifts take snowshoers to the starting points of several high-alpine routes. While snowshoeing on Pischa and Jakobshorn, you immerse yourself in nature and an impressive mountain world.
Snowshoe hiking map
Are you looking for a suitable snowshoe hike? Here you will find all possible tours at a glance.
Have fun discovering them!
Overview of the snowshoe hiking routes
- Jakobshorn Panorama Tour
- Pischa Panorama Hike
- Pischa small round
- Three-day trail: Panorama Trailrun from Davos, Klosters to Prättigau (Stage 1: Davos-Klosters)
- Davos Klosters Bahnentour
- Alps Epic Trail Davos (suitable for E-MTB)
- Gotschna Freeride Trail
- 243 Zügenhüttli-Weg
- 3 mountain railway tour Davos Klosters - Arosa/Lenzerheide - Tschiertschen
- Funi Line
- High-altitude Trail Davos Klosters
- Rinerhorn - Monstein
- Three-day trail: Panorama Trailrun from Davos, Klosters to Praettigau (entire route)
- 1K Vertical Davos
- Weissfluhjoch - Rock Trail - Parsenn High Trail
- Rinerhorn - Sertig Dörfli
- Technique Trail - Jakobshorn - Jschalp
- Panorama Trail - Parsenn - Gotschna
- Technique Trail - Jschalp - Jakobshorn valley station
- Jakobshorn – Stadlersee – Jschalp
- Winter hiking trail: Jakobshorn - Stadlersee
- Family Tour - Rinerhorn mountain station - Rinerhorn valley station
- Pischa - Mäderbeiz - Dörfji
- Pischa - Arvenwald - Dörfji
- Gotschnagrat - Serneuser Schwendi
- Parsenn Weissfluhgipfel - Häupertäli
- Rinerhorn - Juonlimeder
- Rinerhorn - Nüllisch
- Jakobshorn - Mühle Sertig
- Parsenn - Rapid
- Gotschnaboden - Klosters
- Freeride Learnline Jakobshorn
- Gotschnatrail - circular hike on Gotschnagrat with mountain panorama
- Totalptrail - winter hike in the snow-covered Parsenn
- Pischa - Döfrji
- Duranna-Run
- Brämabüel Bergstation - Jakobshorn - Tälifurgga
- Gotschna Bergstation - Grüenhorn - Parsennfurgga - Weissfluhgipfel
- Bergstation Rinerhorn - Rinerhorngipfel - Rinerhorn Bergstation
- Parsenn Höhenweg – Schiahorn – Parsenn Höhenweg
- Parsenn Höhenweg - Strelapass - Felsenweg - Weissfluhjoch
- Jakobshorn - Jatzhorn - Tälifurgga - Sertig-Dörfli
- Jakobshorn Bergstation – Brämabüel – Speichersee – Jschalp – Davos Platz
- Jakobshorn Bergstation – Stadlersee – Sertig-Dörfli
- Jschalp - Clavadel
- Rinerhorn – Hubelhütte – Abirügg – Rinerhorn
- Gotschna Bergstation - Grüenhorn - Parsennfurgga - Totalp - Gotschna Bergstation
- Rinerhorn mountain station - Hubelhütte - Rinerhorn- Marchhüreli - Rinerhron mountain station
- Jakobshorn - Brämabüel - Jschalp
- Jakobshorn – Brämabüel – Teufi
- Gotschna Bergstation – Signal – Gotschnaboden
- Parsenn Höhenweg – Meierhoftäli – Davoser See
- Gotschna Bergstation – Chalbersäss – Klosters
- Mässplatte-Trail